The Civil Service Commission (CSC) administers the Fire Officer Examination (FOE) in coordination with the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP).
To establish a Register of Eligibles (RoE) from which certification and appointment to second level ranks in the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) and other functionally related positions shall be made, provided the eligibles meet the qualifications and other requirements of the positions.
All applicants MUST STRICTLY MEET the following qualification requirements:
1. Must be a Filipino citizen;
2. Must be 21 to 35 years old at the date/time of filing of application;
3. Must be of good moral character;
4. Must be mentally and physically fit;
5. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude, or of disgraceful or immoral conduct, dishonesty, examination irregularity, drunkenness or addiction to drugs;
6. Must not have been dishonorably discharged from military service or dismissed for cause from any civilian positions in the government; and
7. Must possess a baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution of learning.
a) Age requirement shall be waived for incumbent employees of the BFP. Age requirement shall also be waived for former BFP employees, provided their applications are endorsed by the BFP and provided further that they can meet the minimum service requirement pursuant to existing laws.
b) Approval of applications may be recalled any time upon discovery of applicant’s disqualification, for which the examination fees paid shall be forfeited.
c) Applicants holding dual citizenship under R.A. 9225 (Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003) may apply for and take the examination upon presentation of original, and submission of a copy of, Certification of Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine Citizenship from the Bureau of Immigration, and meeting of all the other admission and application requirements for the examination.
d) Applicants with pending administrative and/or criminal cases may take the examination and shall be conferred the eligibility if they successfully pass the same. However, this is without prejudice to the outcome of their pending cases. If they are found guilty, their eligibility shall be forfeited based on the penalties stated in the decision and on Section 57 (a) of the 2017 Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service.
e) The Bar examination given by the Supreme Court of the Philippines and the Board examinations (requiring completion of at least a bachelor’s degree) given by the Professional Regulation Commission are declared civil service examinations under Republic Act (RA) No. 1080. Accordingly, and under CSC Resolution No. 90-1212, the passers are automatically considered as civil service eligibles. Thus, they may opt not to take the corresponding examination anymore.
Also, the following individuals may opt not to take the examination anymore:
> Passers of civil service eligibility examinations, as follows:
- Career Service Examination (Professional level)
- Career Service Examination for Foreign Service Officer (CSE-FSO)
> Grantees of eligibilities under special laws and CSC issuances, as follows:
- Honor Graduate Eligibility under P.D. 907
- Scientific and Technological Specialist Eligibility under P.D. 997
- Sanggunian Member Eligibility (Second level) under RA No. 10156
1. Fully accomplished Application Form (CS Form no. 100 Revised September 2016).
NOTE: The spaces for “Signature of Applicant” and “Right Thumbmark” on the Application Form should be left blank. These shall be accomplished in the presence of the CSC processor.
2. Four (4) pieces of identical I.D. pictures with specifications, as follows:
a. Passport size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm or 1.8 inches x 1.4 inches)
b. Colored, with white background
c. Taken within three (3) months prior to filing of application
d. Printed on good quality photo paper
e. In standard close-up shot (from shoulder level up with the head and face occupying at least 80% of the picture and with the name tag positioned at approximately 1 inch or 2.54 cm below the chin)
f. In bare face (with no eyeglasses, colored contact lens, or any accessories that may cover the facial features; facial features not computer enhanced)
g. Showing left and right ears
h. Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
i. With neutral facial expression, and both eyes open
j. With HANDWRITTEN (not computer-generated) name tag legibly showing SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED FULL NAME in the format: First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, and Extension Name, if any

3. Original and photocopy of any of the following I.D. cards, which is preferably valid (not expired on date of filing of application):
a. Driver’s License/Temporary Driver’s License (LTO O.R. must be presented together with old Driver’s License; O.R. alone is not allowed)/Student Driver’s Permit;
b. Passport;
c. PRC License;
d. SSS I.D.;
e. GSIS I.D. (UMID);
f. Voter’s I.D./Voter’s Certification;
g. BIR/Taxpayer’s I.D. (ATM type/TIN card type with picture);
h. PhilHealth I.D. (must have the bearer’s name, clear picture, signature and PhilHealth number);
i. Company/Office I.D.;
j. School I.D.;
k. Police Clearance/Police Clearance Certificate;
l. Postal I.D.;
m. Barangay I.D.;
n. NBI Clearance;
o. Seaman’s Book;
p. HDMF Transaction I.D.;
q. PWD I.D.;
r. Solo Parent I.D.;
s. Senior Citizen’s I.D.;
t. Alien Certificate of Registration Identity Card (ACR I-CARD); and
u. CSC Eligibility Card (note: Implemented only beginning with the May 3, 2015 CSE-PPT).
1. As a last resort, expired I.D. card may be presented/submitted during filing of examination application, provided that, the expiry date of the I.D. card is within the preceding months of the year reckoning the date of filing of application.
2. All other I.D. cards not included in the above list shall not be accepted.
4. Examination fee of Seven Hundred Pesos (PhP700.00)
E.2 Where to File Application
Applicants must personally file their applications at the CSC Regional Office (CSC RO), or at any of the CSC RO’s Field Offices, where they intend to take the examination.
See also: [Download] CS Form no. 100 Revised September 2016
The CSC shall issue an Examination Advisory on the examination venue/school assignment and other important reminders, including what to bring on examination day. The advisory shall be posted on the main CSC website as well as individual websites of the CSC ROs, as applicable, and other means of publication (e.g. bulletin board).
Related inquiries should be coordinated directly with the CSC Regional/Field Office concerned.
Note: Examinees are strongly advised to visit and have an ocular inspection of their assigned school at least one day before the examination day to familiarize them with the school’s location.
Examinees must bring the following items:
1. I.D. card – preferably the same I.D. card presented during filing of application. If the I.D. card to be presented for admission is different from the I.D. card presented during filing of application, the examinee must present any of the other accepted I.D. cards listed in Item D(3) above, which is preferably valid (not expired);
1. The NO I.D., NO EXAMINATION Rule is strictly implemented.
2. All other I.D. cards not included in the list under Item D(3) above shall not be accepted.
3. As a last resort, expired I.D. card may be presented for admission on examination day, provided that, the expiry date of the I.D. card is within the preceding months of the year reckoning the date of examination.
b. Original of PSA/LCR issued Birth Certificate printed on security paper (if I.D. card has no date of birth); c. Application Receipt with CSC Official Receipt (if available);d. Black Ball Pen/s; and e. Water, or preferred beverage (except alcoholic beverage) placed in clear/transparent container, and/or candies, biscuits, or fruits, which shall be subject to inspection by the Room Examiner/Proctor.
1. Scope of Examination
General Ability (25%): Verbal, Analytical, Numerical
Specialized Area (75%): (composed of the following)
Fire Suppression (30%)
Pre-Fire Planning
Firefighting Techniques and Procedures
Tools and Equipment and Apparatus
Fire Safety and Prevention (20%)
Fire Code of the Philippines
Fire Safety Related Codes, NFPA Laws and other BFP issuances (Building Code, Electrical Code)
BFP Citizens Charter, SOP/MCs on Fire Safety Inspection
Fire Investigation (15%)
The Law on Arson in the Philippines (RPC)
- Constitutional Rights of the Accused
- Prima Facie Evidence of Arson
- Rules of Court
Procedure and Techniques
- Identification, Preservation and Handling of Evidence
- Other Related Procedure and Techniques
SOP’s on Fire and Arson Investigation
Administrative Matters (10%)
RA 6975 and its IRR
RA 9263 and its IRR
RA 9592 and its IRR
CSC Rules and Regulations and Qualification Standards
BFP Memo Circulars and SOP’s on Administrative Matters
2. Other Information
To pass the test, an examinee should get a general rating of at least 80.00.
The List of Passers shall be posted on the CSC website within 41 days after the examination.
Only the List of Passers posted on the CSC website is official. The CSC does not recognize and is not liable for any other postings on any other websites that are not affiliated with, or are engaged in the unauthorized use of the name of, the CSC.
Examinees can generate their examination rating through OCSERGS or Online Civil Service Examination Result Generation System which can also be accessed through the CSC website. Generation of examination rating through OCSERGS shall be available approximately 15 days after the posting of the List of Passers, or as indicated in the corresponding issuance/advisory.
Passers shall be issued a Certification of Eligibility printed on CSC letterhead, free of charge.
Passers must personally claim their Certification. Representatives are not allowed to claim the same. For this matter, passers who have moved to or are based in another region, or in remote areas within the region, may personally claim their Certification of Eligibility at the CSC Regional or Field Office (conduit CSC RO/FO) nearest their present place of residence or work, upon written request.
Claiming of Certification shall be available approximately 1 month after the posting of the List of Passers, or as indicated in the corresponding issuance/advisory. Nevertheless, passers should verify first with the CSC Regional/Field Office if their Certification is already available before going to the CSC Regional/Field Office. A complete directory (contact numbers) of the CSC Regional/Field Offices may be accessed at the CSC website.
The basic requirements in claiming the Certification are:
1. I.D. card – preferably the same I.D. card presented during filing of application. If the I.D. card to be presented for claiming of Certification is different from the I.D. card presented during filing of application, the examinee must present any of the other accepted I.D. cards listed in Item D(3) above, which is preferably valid (not expired);
a. All other I.D. cards not included in the list under Item D(3) above shall not be accepted.
b. As a last resort, expired I.D. card may be presented for claiming of Certification, provided that, the expiry date of the I.D. card is within the preceding months of the year reckoning the date of claiming of Certification.
2. Application Receipt with CSC Official Receipt (if available).
Note: The CSC Regional/Field Office may require additional document/s as necessary to establish the identity of the passers.
A corresponding Advisory on these matters shall be posted on the CSC website. For any other concerns on examination results including queries on examinee number, examinees must verify directly with the CSC Regional Office concerned. The CSC Regional Offices handle the release and distribution of the examination results and Certification of Eligibility.
The civil service eligibility resulting from passing the Penology Officer Examination shall be called Penology Officer Eligibility. It is a second level eligibility, which is specific and appropriate for appointment to second level ranks under the uniformed service in the jail management and penology, and functionally related services only, except for ranks under the Philippine National Police.
Source: CSC
Related articles:
To keep updated about Civil Service Exam and Fire Officer Examination, visit CSC official website or you may bookmark this page or Like Us on Facebook and Follow Us on Google+ Community Page.
FOE SCHEDULE (Check the latest FOE announcement)
B. TESTING CENTERS (Check the latest FOE announcement)
1. Must be a Filipino citizen;
2. Must be 21 to 35 years old at the date/time of filing of application;
3. Must be of good moral character;
4. Must be mentally and physically fit;
5. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude, or of disgraceful or immoral conduct, dishonesty, examination irregularity, drunkenness or addiction to drugs;
6. Must not have been dishonorably discharged from military service or dismissed for cause from any civilian positions in the government; and
7. Must possess a baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution of learning.
a) Age requirement shall be waived for incumbent employees of the BFP. Age requirement shall also be waived for former BFP employees, provided their applications are endorsed by the BFP and provided further that they can meet the minimum service requirement pursuant to existing laws.
b) Approval of applications may be recalled any time upon discovery of applicant’s disqualification, for which the examination fees paid shall be forfeited.
c) Applicants holding dual citizenship under R.A. 9225 (Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003) may apply for and take the examination upon presentation of original, and submission of a copy of, Certification of Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine Citizenship from the Bureau of Immigration, and meeting of all the other admission and application requirements for the examination.
d) Applicants with pending administrative and/or criminal cases may take the examination and shall be conferred the eligibility if they successfully pass the same. However, this is without prejudice to the outcome of their pending cases. If they are found guilty, their eligibility shall be forfeited based on the penalties stated in the decision and on Section 57 (a) of the 2017 Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service.
e) The Bar examination given by the Supreme Court of the Philippines and the Board examinations (requiring completion of at least a bachelor’s degree) given by the Professional Regulation Commission are declared civil service examinations under Republic Act (RA) No. 1080. Accordingly, and under CSC Resolution No. 90-1212, the passers are automatically considered as civil service eligibles. Thus, they may opt not to take the corresponding examination anymore.
Also, the following individuals may opt not to take the examination anymore:
> Passers of civil service eligibility examinations, as follows:
- Career Service Examination (Professional level)
- Career Service Examination for Foreign Service Officer (CSE-FSO)
> Grantees of eligibilities under special laws and CSC issuances, as follows:
- Honor Graduate Eligibility under P.D. 907
- Scientific and Technological Specialist Eligibility under P.D. 997
- Sanggunian Member Eligibility (Second level) under RA No. 10156
NOTE: The spaces for “Signature of Applicant” and “Right Thumbmark” on the Application Form should be left blank. These shall be accomplished in the presence of the CSC processor.
2. Four (4) pieces of identical I.D. pictures with specifications, as follows:
a. Passport size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm or 1.8 inches x 1.4 inches)
b. Colored, with white background
c. Taken within three (3) months prior to filing of application
d. Printed on good quality photo paper
e. In standard close-up shot (from shoulder level up with the head and face occupying at least 80% of the picture and with the name tag positioned at approximately 1 inch or 2.54 cm below the chin)
f. In bare face (with no eyeglasses, colored contact lens, or any accessories that may cover the facial features; facial features not computer enhanced)
g. Showing left and right ears
h. Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
i. With neutral facial expression, and both eyes open
j. With HANDWRITTEN (not computer-generated) name tag legibly showing SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED FULL NAME in the format: First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, and Extension Name, if any

3. Original and photocopy of any of the following I.D. cards, which is preferably valid (not expired on date of filing of application):
a. Driver’s License/Temporary Driver’s License (LTO O.R. must be presented together with old Driver’s License; O.R. alone is not allowed)/Student Driver’s Permit;
b. Passport;
c. PRC License;
d. SSS I.D.;
e. GSIS I.D. (UMID);
f. Voter’s I.D./Voter’s Certification;
g. BIR/Taxpayer’s I.D. (ATM type/TIN card type with picture);
h. PhilHealth I.D. (must have the bearer’s name, clear picture, signature and PhilHealth number);
i. Company/Office I.D.;
j. School I.D.;
k. Police Clearance/Police Clearance Certificate;
l. Postal I.D.;
m. Barangay I.D.;
n. NBI Clearance;
o. Seaman’s Book;
p. HDMF Transaction I.D.;
q. PWD I.D.;
r. Solo Parent I.D.;
s. Senior Citizen’s I.D.;
t. Alien Certificate of Registration Identity Card (ACR I-CARD); and
u. CSC Eligibility Card (note: Implemented only beginning with the May 3, 2015 CSE-PPT).
1. As a last resort, expired I.D. card may be presented/submitted during filing of examination application, provided that, the expiry date of the I.D. card is within the preceding months of the year reckoning the date of filing of application.
2. All other I.D. cards not included in the above list shall not be accepted.
4. Examination fee of Seven Hundred Pesos (PhP700.00)
- Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority, or the Local Civil Registry printed on security paper (for applicants without date of birth in their I.D. card/s)
- Original and photocopy of Certification of Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine Citizenship issued by the Bureau of Immigration (for applicants holding dual citizenship under R.A. 9225)
- Certification of Employment issued by the authorized agency official (for incumbent employees of BFP, availing of the waiver on age requirement)
- Application Indorsement by the authorized BFP official with a statement certifying that the applicant can meet the minimum service requirement based on existing laws (for former employees of BFP, availing of the waiver on age requirement)
E.1 Where to Get Application Form
The application form (CS Form No. 100, Revised September 2016) is available at any CSC Regional/Field Office, or may be downloaded from the CSC website: The application form may be photocopied using legal size bond paper.E.2 Where to File Application
Applicants must personally file their applications at the CSC Regional Office (CSC RO), or at any of the CSC RO’s Field Offices, where they intend to take the examination.
The CSC shall issue an Examination Advisory on the examination venue/school assignment and other important reminders, including what to bring on examination day. The advisory shall be posted on the main CSC website as well as individual websites of the CSC ROs, as applicable, and other means of publication (e.g. bulletin board).
Related inquiries should be coordinated directly with the CSC Regional/Field Office concerned.
Note: Examinees are strongly advised to visit and have an ocular inspection of their assigned school at least one day before the examination day to familiarize them with the school’s location.
- GATES OF TESTING VENUES SHALL BE CLOSED TO EXAMINEES AT EXACTLY 7:30 a.m. Examinees that arrive later than 7:30 a.m. shall NOT be admitted.
- Failure to take the examination on scheduled date shall mean forfeiture of examination fee and slot. Re-scheduling of examination date is NOT allowed.
- Bringing of cellular phones and any other gadgets, including smart watches, calculators, wristwatches with calculator, books and other forms of printed materials and all other similar items, is NOT allowed. If brought, these shall be surrendered to the Room Examiners. Firearms, if any, must also be surrendered to the security guard/designated firearm custodian at the entrance gate of the school/testing venue.
- Proper attire must be worn on examination day. SLEEVELESS SHIRT/BLOUSE, SHORTS/SHORT PANTS, and SLIPPERS ARE NOT ALLOWED.
- The CSC neither holds any review class nor publishes or distributes any review material for any civil service examination. Further, the CSC does not accredit and has not accredited any review center for the purpose of offering and holding review classes to prospective civil service examinees. Availing of any such product/service shall be at one’s own risk.
Examinees must bring the following items:
1. I.D. card – preferably the same I.D. card presented during filing of application. If the I.D. card to be presented for admission is different from the I.D. card presented during filing of application, the examinee must present any of the other accepted I.D. cards listed in Item D(3) above, which is preferably valid (not expired);
1. The NO I.D., NO EXAMINATION Rule is strictly implemented.
2. All other I.D. cards not included in the list under Item D(3) above shall not be accepted.
3. As a last resort, expired I.D. card may be presented for admission on examination day, provided that, the expiry date of the I.D. card is within the preceding months of the year reckoning the date of examination.
b. Original of PSA/LCR issued Birth Certificate printed on security paper (if I.D. card has no date of birth); c. Application Receipt with CSC Official Receipt (if available);d. Black Ball Pen/s; and e. Water, or preferred beverage (except alcoholic beverage) placed in clear/transparent container, and/or candies, biscuits, or fruits, which shall be subject to inspection by the Room Examiner/Proctor.
1. Scope of Examination
General Ability (25%): Verbal, Analytical, Numerical
Specialized Area (75%): (composed of the following)
Fire Suppression (30%)
Pre-Fire Planning
Firefighting Techniques and Procedures
Tools and Equipment and Apparatus
Fire Safety and Prevention (20%)
Fire Code of the Philippines
Fire Safety Related Codes, NFPA Laws and other BFP issuances (Building Code, Electrical Code)
BFP Citizens Charter, SOP/MCs on Fire Safety Inspection
Fire Investigation (15%)
The Law on Arson in the Philippines (RPC)
- Constitutional Rights of the Accused
- Prima Facie Evidence of Arson
- Rules of Court
Procedure and Techniques
- Identification, Preservation and Handling of Evidence
- Other Related Procedure and Techniques
SOP’s on Fire and Arson Investigation
Administrative Matters (10%)
RA 6975 and its IRR
RA 9263 and its IRR
RA 9592 and its IRR
CSC Rules and Regulations and Qualification Standards
BFP Memo Circulars and SOP’s on Administrative Matters
2. Other Information

To pass the test, an examinee should get a general rating of at least 80.00.
The List of Passers shall be posted on the CSC website within 41 days after the examination.
Only the List of Passers posted on the CSC website is official. The CSC does not recognize and is not liable for any other postings on any other websites that are not affiliated with, or are engaged in the unauthorized use of the name of, the CSC.
Examinees can generate their examination rating through OCSERGS or Online Civil Service Examination Result Generation System which can also be accessed through the CSC website. Generation of examination rating through OCSERGS shall be available approximately 15 days after the posting of the List of Passers, or as indicated in the corresponding issuance/advisory.
Passers must personally claim their Certification. Representatives are not allowed to claim the same. For this matter, passers who have moved to or are based in another region, or in remote areas within the region, may personally claim their Certification of Eligibility at the CSC Regional or Field Office (conduit CSC RO/FO) nearest their present place of residence or work, upon written request.
Claiming of Certification shall be available approximately 1 month after the posting of the List of Passers, or as indicated in the corresponding issuance/advisory. Nevertheless, passers should verify first with the CSC Regional/Field Office if their Certification is already available before going to the CSC Regional/Field Office. A complete directory (contact numbers) of the CSC Regional/Field Offices may be accessed at the CSC website.
The basic requirements in claiming the Certification are:
1. I.D. card – preferably the same I.D. card presented during filing of application. If the I.D. card to be presented for claiming of Certification is different from the I.D. card presented during filing of application, the examinee must present any of the other accepted I.D. cards listed in Item D(3) above, which is preferably valid (not expired);
a. All other I.D. cards not included in the list under Item D(3) above shall not be accepted.
b. As a last resort, expired I.D. card may be presented for claiming of Certification, provided that, the expiry date of the I.D. card is within the preceding months of the year reckoning the date of claiming of Certification.
2. Application Receipt with CSC Official Receipt (if available).
Note: The CSC Regional/Field Office may require additional document/s as necessary to establish the identity of the passers.
A corresponding Advisory on these matters shall be posted on the CSC website. For any other concerns on examination results including queries on examinee number, examinees must verify directly with the CSC Regional Office concerned. The CSC Regional Offices handle the release and distribution of the examination results and Certification of Eligibility.
The civil service eligibility resulting from passing the Penology Officer Examination shall be called Penology Officer Eligibility. It is a second level eligibility, which is specific and appropriate for appointment to second level ranks under the uniformed service in the jail management and penology, and functionally related services only, except for ranks under the Philippine National Police.
The Civil Service Commission uses a highly reliable system to detect cheats.
Any form of cheating in any civil service examination has been declared criminally and administratively punishable under Republic Act No. 9416. The forms of cheating are, as follows:
1. Use of crib sheets or “codigo” containing codes in any form (written on any material or in digital form)
2. Impersonation
3. Employing a “poste” or a person inside or outside of the examination room who may or may not be an examinee but provides examinees with answers
4. Collusion of whatever nature between examinees and examination personnel
5. Examinee number switching
6. Such other acts of similar nature which facilitate the passing of examination, including possession and/or use of fake Certificate of Eligibility
Source: CSC
Related articles:
- NEXT EXAM: August 12, 2018 Career Service Examination - Pen and Paper Test (Professional and SubProfessional Level)
- [Download] CS Form no. 100 Revised September 2016
- Where to file application form (Contacts and Locations of CSC Regional Offices)?
- [Download] Civil Service Exam Reviewers
- 2018 Calendar of Civil Service Exams
- 2018 Fire Officer Examination Application Requirements, Schedules and Procedures
- 2018 Penology Officer Examination Application Requirements, Schedules and Procedures
- CSC Computerized Examination (COMEX) Online Registration
To keep updated about Civil Service Exam and Fire Officer Examination, visit CSC official website or you may bookmark this page or Like Us on Facebook and Follow Us on Google+ Community Page.
may height req pa pu ba sa FOE pag sa female?
Wala pong height req mam :)
May age limit po ba kapag kukuha ng FOE?
Pwede na po ba mgfile for exam?
Must be 21 to 35 years old at the date/time of filing of application, however, age shall be waived for incumbent employees of the BFP. Same requirement shall also be waived for former BFP employees, provided their applications are endorsed by the BFP and provided further that they can meet the minimum service requirement pursuant to existing laws.
kailangan pa ba ng Civil Service bago makakuha or makafile sa FO1?
Sana mka file ako .....i need help...hehehhehehe
Hnd na buddy....
hello.. pwde po ba undergraduate kukuha ng exam?
kailangan po ba passer ng Civil Service exam bago makafile sa fo1?thankz
Yup :) and filling for CSE FOE is on April 26 - June 17, 2015 ::goodluck::
AFAIK To become an FO1 you must passed
Civil Service Eligibility for Fire Officer which is Fire Officer Examination by CSC ::Thanks::
What kind of help do you need? :)
Qualification requirements are as follows: applicant must be a Filipino citizen and of good moral character, mentally and physically fit, must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude, or of disgraceful or immoral conduct, dishonesty, examination irregularly, drunkenness or addiction to drugs, must not have been dishonorably discharged from military service or dismissed for cause from any civilian positions in the government, must have accomplished a Bachelor’s Degree and must be 21 to 35 years old at the date or time of filing of application.
It should be College Graduate. :)
Hello po. Pwede po ba mag file para sa FOE dito sa bayombong nueva vizcaya?
Helo po sir mam... pwde po vah mgtake grad criminology..age 31..need po reply..
panu po pag pasa sa board exam ng teacher?magtetake p rin po ba ng foe exam?
ask lng po if civil service passer n, or my eligiblity n, need p b mgtake ng foe examination ? ? thnks
Pag napolcom passer ok lng b kht hnd n mgtake ng foe??
Kung LET Passer kana po kahit hindi kna mag take FOE okay na po yan.
OO kahit anung course bsta 4 years college graduate ka
Hi sino po bang may reviewer sa FOE? share share tayo ng mga reviewer na nakolekta ko at nakolekta nio. :)
NO need
hindi na po ata allowed ang napolcom passer kasi meron na pong FOE.
saan po pede mag file? taga laguna po ako. thanks sa sasagot. :)
san po ba pwede makakuha ng copy ng reviewer para sa exam? tulong naman po. slamat!
Meron 5'2" sa Female. 5'4" sa male.
share nmn po if cno my reviewer jn..tnx..
san po pwede makakuha ng reviewer ng exam?
share naman po Ty
Hingi ka sa mga Fireman .
wala pa po bang schedule ng mga school?
Good Evening Mam/sir.
ask lng po pano po malaman kong block list po ang name ng examinee's? at kong block list po d na po ba pwede mg exam pa? thanks po.
When net filing ng exam? And when ang exam sa 2016?
Saan din po b ako pde mka hiram ng reviewer pra sa fire?
Ilang items po ba ang exam?
Ilang araw din po ba?
Senya n po, wla tlga ako idea, hehe
Good day po, tanong lang sir if ever makapass po aqu ng exam pwd q po bang maipasok eto FOE sa ibang government work like sa LGU or sa BFP lng talaga to maipasok?
hi ma'am/sir ano po requirements kapag nag file nang exam para sa FOE,Pls. help me!
Hindi n b pede napolcom eligibility sa fire (bfp).. salamat s ssagot
Hindi na po sir/mam, kasi meron na Tayong FOE(fire officer examination) at mejo matagal na po na implement to.
Bakit nung nagpunta ako sa csc office sbi nila wala hindi pa daw pwede mag file ng fire kasi wala pa daw .. Kagapon ako nagpunta, diba nung november pa nag start ang filing? Sa cagayan de oro po ako nagpunta sa CSC office nila, un ang sinabi ng tao don sa office nila ... Bat ganun?
Kung board passer napo at ngsubmit ng mga requirements sa bfp ofice. Anu napo next na mangyayari?kasi no nid na mg take ng exam d po bah?
keln po kaya ang recruitment ng fire officer ngyng 2016?
Gusto ko sana mag apply sa BFP kaso 5'3 lang ata ako
guys pa share nmn ng reviewer for BFP .09224397540 .Iloilo city exam for Mar 3,2016
Saan po pde mag file ng requirements para s exam d2 s sorsogon? S csc po b? At kailan po ba ang exam?
Kapag pasado po s cse(pro) at board passer.kailangan pa b mag take ng exam?
Patulong po.gz2 q sna pumasok s bfp.
kailan po ang last filing para sa March 13, 2016 schedule ng FOE?
kailan po ang last filing para sa March 13, 2016 schedule ng FOE?
kapag naipasa ba ang FOE, pwede bang gamitin pra mka pag apply sa LGU for permanent positions? kahit hindi na mag take ng CS Prof or Subprof?
o bat nwala ung reply sa query ko at ung reply ko
Can I ask kelAN PO ang exam for FOE??Hanggang kelan po ang filing?,,,tnx for the response
good luck po sa lahat na mag exam ngayon taon...and God blessed!
After march 16 na exam. When namn aNg region 6 pwede makaaply or makapasa ng requirements?.. thanx
After march 16 na exam. When namn aNg region 6 pwede makaaply or makapasa ng requirements?.. thanx
Sir pano kung graduate namn kaso di lang makuha diploma dahil sa balance sa school??
Ask lang po ako after po makapasa ng Fire Officer Exam, meron po bang ID na nirerelease..
Feb 29 na po.. not working pa din po yung link na ito.
ask ko lng po san po s batangas city ang testing center po ng FOE sabi po kasi nung nagfile kami feb.29 dw malalaman po ang room assignment,. reply po Salamat Godbless.
ask po ako mga kuya/ate d2 san po makikita yung list ng mga mag exam for FOE sa March 13, 2016 sa baguio city kasi hanggang ngayun wala pa po ako natatanggap na text kung san ang ROOM ASSIGNMENT ko diko naman mahanap d2 sa site kung san mkikita yung mga LIST ng mag eexam ng FOE please pa help naman po thanks godbless
Kelangan pba my civil service exam bgo mkapag foe?
Kelan po ipublish yong list and room assignment ng mga examinees ngyong march 13?
paki publish naman po yung venue para makuha naming yung roon assignment sa exam this march 13.
Kailan na naman kaya ang susunod na exam ng FOE?
Kapag board passer po ba..kukuha pa din ng Qualification exam sa BFP?
Sir kailan ang next sched sa exam this 2016?
CS-prof. passer po ako...need pa bah magtake ng FOE?
Its great post!!
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Hi hope someone can help me, after passing the fo1 exam, san na po pwede magfile para mkapag work na as fo1 officer? Im from ncr
csc la po b pa exam fire officer this august 2016... ty.. plz reply
csc la po b pa exam fire officer this august 2016... ty.. plz reply
once a year lang po ang pagkakalam ko sa FOE at POe. Next year na po ulit siguro.
Sir as long as 4 year course graduate ka, nkapasa k na ng FOE not more than 30years old, pede kang mag punta at maginquire sa nearest fire station para malaman ang process ng application as FO1. very hepful nmn po ang mga taga fire.
You can go directly and inquire sa regional office ng NCR sa may Ramon Magsaysay Highschool sa Brgy Pinagkaisahan Cubao QC.
Civl service prof passer na po ako. pwede pa rin ba mag take nito? trip ko lang mag take para malaman mga faqs about BFP
Okay lng po ba ang me maliit na tattoo?
Okay lng po ba na me maliit na tattoo?
Okay lng po ba na me maliit na tattoo?
i am a register master electrician do i have to take the FOE?
San po nag fifile ng exam for BFP po. Graduate po ako ng 4yrs course salamat po sa info
Baka may mga reviewer po kayo dyan baka pede po maka kopya salamat po
May exam po ba sa foe this year?
Di ako sure pero baka pwede sa disaster risk reduction office
Tanong ko lang po BS Marine Transportation student po ako and natapos ko napo yung 3Years academic ko nag graduation na po kami noong March 28, 2015 hindi ko pa po natatapos yung 1 year apprenticeship ko. Gusto ko po sana maging isa din sa BFP paano po ang process?
Sinonpo myreviewer ng bfp
Kailan po ang exam next na exam?
kelan po exam ng bfp pa post naman. thanks
If nka pasa or Fire officer eligible na pwd ba magamit sa ibang gov. Agency aside from BFP?2nd level rank nmn sya.
If nka pasa or Fire officer eligible na pwd ba magamit sa ibang gov. Agency aside from BFP?2nd level rank nmn sya.
Kelan po next exam?.
It says that a CSC-Prof.passer may not take the exam anymore, thus that mean that a CSC-prof passer can or may claim the corresponding certificate of Fire Officer without taking the FOE?
Hello po kailan po schedule ulit ng FOE? Thanks po
Hi! Ask ko lang po sana kung pwede ko po bang magamit ang Fire Officer Eligibility for LDRRM officer 1? salamat po sa makakasagot..
wen po schedule for 2017??
Kelan pu sched ng exam plsss
Kelan ang 2017 na exam?
Hindi na po. CS Professional eligibility is enough.
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walang height apply exam sa csc pero may height requirement pag mag apply sa BFP, 1.57m for female and 1.52 for male applicant
Ask Lang po, pwede ba magFile ng FOE, kahit walang Cs?,,
Ask ko lang kung kelan deadline ng pagpasa ng FOE form for 2017 exam?.. thanks!
Kaelan po ang exam for deadline po dito Zamboanga?
Kaelan po ang exam for deadline po dito Zamboanga?
Kaelan po ang exam for deadline po dito Zamboanga?
Wala pang schedule.
Helo po.kailan po next schedule ng exam dto sa CAR?sabi po kc nila ngayong march ang exam.salamat
schedule po ng exam dito R8. pakisagot nman
Tanong ko lang po kung pwede bang gamitin ang foe elibility as second level eligibilty sa ibang government agencies?
2016 schedule po yan nakita mo maam., wala pa raw 2017 ng ask ako s civil service office.
Sa an p0 kaya mkahanap ng reviewer for bfp para sa exam
Tanong lang kung pdi bang gamitin yung NAPOLCOM Eligibility?
Kailan po ba ang exam nagpnta kasi ako sa csc legazpi wala pa daw.. At ang sa fire po ba at penology sabay po ba ang date ng exam nian?
Wala pa rin schedule ng ask rin ako sa csc davao,
Mga sir panu po mag register para makapag exam sa BFP?online registration din po ba ang need gaya ng sa napolcom?
wala pa balita kung online sir, schedule nga wala pa rin eh..
Wala daw schedule this year? How true is this guys?,and why?,
Mam strict ho rin ba xla sa hepa b? Kasi yun lang kasi problima parati sa pag.aapply ng trabaho. Katapos nga, nkapasa, babagsak naman nila sa medical. Bat ba xla ganyan eh nkakakhawa lng naman ito thru sex. Magsesex rin ba sa training? Wala naman ata dba? Bkit ang arte??
ask lang po wala po bang schedule ng FOE for 2017?
Nung kumuha aq ng exam... at naka pasa. With avg of 80.41%... i studied almost half ream ung dami ng papel.. at guess what.. isa lng lumabas sa lahat ng na study q... advice po... study ung situation... kung ano dpat gwin.. un ung maraming lalabas...
Wala pa pong sched sa exam?
Hello po! Asko ko lang po kailan po next na exam ng FOE this 2017 and kailangan po ba na passer Civil service para maka take ng FOE exam? thanks for the reply. :)
kailangan po ba nakapasa na ng Civil Service Exam bago magtake ng FOE?
may renewal ba ang eligibility ng FOE??
kailan po ba ang filing at anung exact date ang filing d2 sa exam ng FOE?
Good Day! Kelan po uli filling schedule for FOE?
Goodday maam/ sir. Permission to post. Im just asking if when will be having Fire Officer Exammination for this year 2017? Thank you and hoping for your responce. God Bless us.
Goodday maam/sir. Permission to post. Im just asking if when will be having another exam for Fire Officer Exammination this year 2017? Hoping for your responce. Thank you very much and God Bless Us.
Goodday maam/sir. Permission to post. Im just asking if when will be having another exam for Fire Officer Exammination this year 2017? Hoping for your responce. Thank you very much and God Bless Us.
Good day Ma'am/Sir,
Tanong ko lang po kung kailangan pa po bang mag take ng exam ang mga board passers?
Kung hindi na po kailangan magtake ng exam,ano na po ang next step after makumpleto ang requirements?
Thank you
hi.. good day.. same question as sir abadilla. what is the next step po to be a fire officer if you're already a passer say LET passer.. they say we don't have to take the exam anymore.. what is the next step po? I want to be a fire officer.. hope you can help me.thank you for your kind reply. God bless.
Is fire officer eligibility appropriate only to bfp agency or to any gov. agency? Except for the pnp.
Anu po ba ang katumbas ng fire officer eligibility/second level eligibility sa cse?
Yung mga tanong ng iba nasagot na po. Scroll nyo mga comments nung mga unang nagtanong nyan, may sumagot na po.
I took and passed the Fire Officer Examination 2 years ago, am i still eligible to apply for FO1? Thanks!
saan po venue ng exam?
Good evening po. 32 n po ako. Saan po pwede kumuha ng age waiver? Pag mag eexam na po ba kailangan dala na po yung waiver? Salamat po
Im graduate of Business administration...i want to be part of BFP i asked a question if i am able to take the examination for the civil service examination for my eligibility on june 17 2018???
Pwde po ba pumili ng lugar kung san mo gusto maassign, if ever pumasa ka?
Ask Kong Lang point kung kel
ayos lang ba if I have a tattoo?
Same lang ba ito ng civil service professional na applicable din n pang 2nd level na position o kailangan p magtake ng civil service na professional? Tnx po...
May exam po ba next year 2020?
San pwede mag apply kung qualified na for FO1, kc pag bfp hangang 30 lang age limit so pano ka makaka apply as Fire officer?
mam /sir paano po. kung 35 yrs old po siya at the date of filing pero nag turn 36 yrs old po siya on the date of examination. ok lang po. ba iyon?
Hello po.. graduate po ako ng bachelor of science in marine transportation. Pwede ko po ba gamitin ang OIC license issued po ng MARINA para application ng bfp po,maramimg salamat po.
hello if magtake ka ba ng foe and makapasa ka considered as eligibility na ba un? kahit d ka na magtake ng civil service?
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