Resetting of the August 12, 2018 CSE-PPT for NCR and Rizal to November 11, 2018

The career service examinations that were suspended on August 12, 2018, due to the onslaught of torrential rains (Habagat) enhanced by Tropical Storm Karding were reset for November 11 later this year. Examinees concerned are advised to read the Civil Service Commission’s Examination Advisory No. 21, s. 2018 below.

Topnotchers of the June 24, 2018 Penology Officer Examination (POE)

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) released the list of successful examinees who got the highest score also known as topnotchers and top performing regions of the Penology Officer Examination (POE) held last June 24, 2018.

Topnotchers of the June 24, 2018 Fire Officer Examination (FOE)

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) released the list of successful examinees who got the highest score also known as topnotchers and top performing regions of the Fire Officer Examination (FOE) held last June 24, 2018.

BUCOR Job Vacancy: Corrections Officers (Basic Pay: 29,668.00)

August 2018

The Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) is looking for qualified and competent individuals as a Corrections Officer or a Corrections Technical Officer.

Monthly Salary: P 29,668.00

CSC-COMEX Schedules and Procedures for the 2nd Semester of 2018

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) released the schedule of examination, online reservation, as well as procedures for application in CSC-Computerized Examination (COMEX) for the 2nd semester of 2018 through CSC-COMEX Advisory No. 17, s. 2018 (CSC-COMEX Schedule for the 2nd Semester of 2018).


CSC News Release: CSC clarifies availability of eligibility card

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) recently announced the schedule of release of the CSC Eligibility Card for passers of career service exams and other CSC-administered tests.

However, the CSC clarifies that the said eligibility card specifically available for passers of the May 3, 2015 Career Service Examination Paper and Pencil Test (CSE-PPT); August 16, 2015 Fire Officer Examination; October 18, 2015 CSE-PPT; and December 6, 2015 CSE-PPT (except National Capital Region).

CSC-COMEX: Technical Issues in the Creation of User Account

CSC COMEX (Computerized Examination)

In the Examination Account Registration of the CSC COMEX, an individual interested to take the computerized examination can register online via website by creating a user account.  However, there are two (2) technical issues that an applicant may encounter:  purging of account and intermittent internet connectivity

Accounts that are inactive for three (3) months may be automatically purged, hence, we encourage you to register again or create a new account.

Room and School Assignment: August 12, 2018 CSE-PPT Professional and Subprofessional Level

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) released the examinee's room and school assignments for the August 12, 2018 Career Service Examination - Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) for Professional and Subprofessional Levels approximately two weeks before the examination via Online Notice of School Assignment (ONSA).

Meanwhile, the CSC Regional Offices provide alternative mode/list of room and school assignment for faster browsing.

  • ONSA is already available. You may check your room assignment - see details below
  • Lists of room and school assignments (as an alternate to ONSA) are NOW AVAILABLE for Regions 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 - see details below

EXAM RESULTS: June 24, 2018 FOE Fire Officer Exam List of Passers

The complete list of passers for the June 24, 2018 Fire Officer Examination (FOE) released forty (40) days after the examination through the Civil Service Commission (CSC) website:

The List of Passers for the June 24, 2018 Fire Officer Exam (FOE) is now available on the CSC website. 

View list here:

EXAM RESULTS: June 24, 2018 POE Penology Officer Exam List of Passers

The complete list of passers for the June 24, 2018 Penology Officer Examination (POE) released within forty (40) days after the examination through the Civil Service Commission (CSC) website:

The List of Passers for the June 24, 2018 Penology Officer Exam (FOE) is now available on the CSC website. 

View list here:

EXAM RESULTS: June 24, 2018 BCLTE List of Passers

The complete list of passers for the June 24, 2018 Basic Competency on Local Treasury Examination (BCLTE) released forty (40) days after the examination through the Civil Service Commission (CSC) website:

The List of Passers for the June 24, 2018 Basic Competency for Local Treasury Exam (BCLTE) is now available on the CSC website. 

View list here: