The nationwide conduct of the second set of Career Service Examination – Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) for Professional and Sub-Professional is scheduled to take place on August 09, 2020.
The application period will start from May 11, 2020 and will end on June 10, 2020.
Please note that acceptance of applications shall be on a "FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED" basis and shall be closed any time before the deadline if the CSC Regional/Field Office has already reached the maximum number of applicants.
Applicants should personally file their applications at the CSC Regional Office (CSC RO), or at any of the CSC RO’s Field Offices, where they intend to take the examination.
See also:
- Filing of Applications for the August 9, 2020 CSE-PPT is SUSPENDED
- Cancellation of 2020 Remaining Examinations via PPT and Reset of Suspended March 15, 2020 CSE-PPT in 2021
Please note that acceptance of applications shall be on a "FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED" basis and shall be closed any time before the deadline if the CSC Regional/Field Office has already reached the maximum number of applicants.
Applicants should personally file their applications at the CSC Regional Office (CSC RO), or at any of the CSC RO’s Field Offices, where they intend to take the examination.
See also:
- CSC COMEX Schedule for 1st Semester 2020
- 2020 Calendar of Civil Service Exams (CSE-PPT, BCLTE, ICLTE, FSO, Pre-Employment/Promotional/EOPT)
- Classification of Individuals who are exempted from taking the CS Exam
Every year little to no changes are made in terms of requirements, qualifications and procedures.
Requirements, Qualifications, Testing Centers and other important details (from previous announcement) are listed below courtesy of Civil Service Commission (CSC):
To establish a Register of Eligibles (RoE) from which certification and appointment to first and second level positions in the civil service, except those involving practice of profession and/or are covered by special laws, shall be made, provided the eligibles meet the qualifications and other requirements of the positions. The RoE may also be a reference for employment in the private sector.
All applicants must strictly meet the following qualification requirements:
1. Filipino citizen;
2. At least 18 years old on the date of filing of application;
3. Of good moral character;
4. Has not been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude, or disgraceful or immoral conduct, dishonesty, examination irregularity, drunkenness, or addiction to drugs;
5. Has not been dishonorably discharged from military service, or dismissed for cause from any civilian position in the government; and
6. Has not taken the same level of Career Service Examination, either through PPT or CSC Computerized Examination (CSC COMEX), within three months before the date of examination:
a) Approval of applications may be recalled any time upon discovery of applicant’s disqualification, for which the examination fees paid shall be forfeited.
b) Applicants holding dual citizenship under R.A. 9225 (Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003) may apply for and take the examination upon presentation of original, and submission of a photocopy of, Certification of Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine Citizenship from the Bureau of Immigration, and meeting of all the other admission and application requirements for the examination.
c) Applicants with pending administrative and/or criminal cases may take the examination and shall be conferred the eligibility if they successfully pass the same. However, this is without prejudice to the outcome of their pending cases. If they are found guilty, their eligibility shall be forfeited based on the penalties stated in the decision and on Section 57 (a) of the 2017 Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service.
d) The Bar examination given by the Supreme Court of the Philippines and the Board examinations given by the Professional Regulation Commission are declared civil service examinations under Republic Act (RA) No. 1080. Accordingly, and under CSC Resolution No. 90-1212, the passers are automatically considered as civil service eligibles. Thus, they may opt not to take the corresponding examination anymore.
Also, the following individuals may opt not to take the corresponding examination anymore:
> Passers of Career Service Examination for Foreign Service Officer as the resulting Career Foreign Service Officer Eligibility is comparable to the Career Service Professional Eligibility
> Grantees of the following eligibilities under special laws and CSC issuances, which are comparable to the Career Service Professional Eligibility:
- Honor Graduate Eligibility under P.D. 907
- Scientific and Technological Specialist Eligibility under P.D. 997
- Sanggunian Member Eligibility (2nd Level) under RA No. 10156
- Foreign School Honor Graduate Eligibility under CSC Resolution No. 1302714
- Veteran Preference Rating Eligibility (Professional) under EO No. 132, s. 1948 and EO No. 790, s. 1982
> Grantees of the following eligibilities under special laws and CSC issuances, which are comparable to the Career Service SubProfessional Eligibility:
- Barangay Official Eligibility under RA No. 7160
- Barangay Health Worker Eligibility under RA No. 7883
- Sanggunian Member Eligibility (1st Level) under RA No. 10156
- Veteran Preference Rating Eligibility (SubProfessional) under EO No. 132, s. 1948 and EO No. 790, s. 1982
1. Fully accomplished Application Form (CS Form No. 100, Revised September 2016).
Note: The spaces for “Signature of Applicant” and “Right Thumbmark” on the Application Form should be left blank. These shall be accomplished in the presence of the CSC processor.
2. Four (4) pieces of identical I.D. pictures with specifications, as follows:
a. Passport size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm or 1.8 inches x 1.4 inches)
b. Colored, with white background
c. Taken within three (3) months prior to filing of application
d. Printed on good quality photo paper
e. In standard close-up shot (from shoulder level up with the head and face occupying at least 80% of the picture and with the name tag positioned at approximately 1 inch or 2.54 cm below the chin)
f. In bare face (with no eyeglasses, colored contact lens, or any accessories that may cover the facial features; facial features not computer enhanced)
g. Showing left and right ears
h. Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
i. With neutral facial expression, and both eyes open
j. With HANDWRITTEN (not computer-generated) name tag legibly showing SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED FULL NAME in the format: First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, and Extension Name, if any
3. Original and photocopy of any of the following I.D. cards, which is preferably valid (not expired on date of filing of application):
a. Driver’s License/Temporary Driver’s License (LTO O.R. must be presented together with old Driver’s License; O.R. alone is not allowed)/Student Driver’s Permit;
b. Passport;
c. PRC License;
d. SSS I.D.;
e. GSIS I.D. (UMID);
f. Voter’s I.D./Voter’s Certification;
g. BIR/Taxpayer’s I.D. (ATM type/TIN card type with picture);
h. PhilHealth I.D. (must have the bearer’s name, clear picture, signature and PhilHealth number);
i. Company/Office I.D.;
j. School I.D.;
k. Police Clearance/Police Clearance Certificate (with picture);
l. Postal I.D.;
m. Barangay I.D.;
n. NBI Clearance;
o. Seaman’s Book;
p. HDMF Transaction I.D.;
q. PWD I.D.;
r. Solo Parent I.D.;
s. Senior Citizen’s I.D.;
t. Alien Certificate of Registration Identity Card (ACR I-CARD); and
u. CSC Eligibility Card (note: Implemented only beginning with the May 3, 2015 CSE-PPT).
1. Photocopy only of I.D. card, or cellphone photo of I.D., shall not be accepted.
2. All other I.D. cards not included in the above list shall not be accepted.
3. As a last resort, expired I.D. card may be presented/submitted during filing of examination application, provided that, the expiry date of the I.D. card is within the preceding months of the year reckoning the date of filing of application.
4. Examination fee of Five Hundred Pesos (PhP500.00)
a. Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority, or the Local Civil Registry printed on security paper (for applicants without date of birth in their I.D. card/s)
b. Original and photocopy of Certification of Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine Citizenship issued by the Bureau of Immigration (for applicants holding dual citizenship under R.A. 9225)
Related Link: [Download] CS Form No. 100, Revised September 2016
2. Where to File Application
Applicants must personally file their applications at the CSC Regional Office (CSC RO), or at any of the CSC RO’s Field Offices, where they intend to take the examination.
Related Link: List of CSC Regional / Field Office
1) A complete directory of CSC Regional and Field Offices nationwide is available at the CSC website for reference.
2) Only applications with a COMPLETE set of application documentary requirements under Item D of this Announcement must be submitted to the CSC Regional/Field Office.
3) Proper attire should be worn during filing of application. SLEEVELESS SHIRT/BLOUSE, SHORTS/SHORT PANTS, and SLIPPERS are NOT allowed.
Examinees shall be informed of their places of examination (school assignment) through the Online Notice of School Assignment (ONSA).
ONSA shall be available via the CSC website approximately two weeks before examination day. Examinees may opt to have a print-out of their Notice of School Assignment using ONSA.
Note: The CSC does not recognize and is not liable for any other postings on any other websites that are not affiliated with, or are engaged in the unauthorized use of the name of, the CSC.
Examinees who cannot access the ONSA and/or still do not know their school assignment one week before examination day should inquire directly with the CSC Regional/Field Office concerned. A complete directory of CSC Regional/Field Offices nationwide is available at the CSC website.
Examinees are strongly advised to visit and have an ocular inspection of their assigned school at least one day before the examination day to familiarize them with the school’s location.
Bring ONLY the following items on examination day:
1. I.D. card – preferably the same I.D. card presented during filing of application. If the I.D. card to be presented for admission is different from the I.D. card presented during filing of application, the examinee must present any of the following accepted I.D. cards, which is preferably valid (not expired):
1.1 Driver’s License/Temporary Driver’s License (LTO O.R. must be presented together with old Driver’s License; O.R. alone is not allowed)/Student Driver’s Permit;
1.2 Passport;
1.3 PRC License;
1.4 SSS I.D.;
1.5 GSIS I.D. (UMID);
1.6 Voter’s I.D./Voter’s Certification;
1.7 BIR/Taxpayer’s I.D. (ATM type/TIN card type with picture);
1.8 PhilHealth I.D. (must have the bearer’s name, clear picture, signature and PhilHealth number);
1.9 Company/Office I.D.;
1.10 School I.D.;
1.11 Police Clearance/Police Clearance Certificate (with picture);
1.12 Postal I.D.;
1.13 Barangay I.D.;
1.14 NBI Clearance;
1.15 Seaman’s Book;
1.16 HDMF Transaction Card;
1.17 PWD I.D.;
1.18 Solo Parent I.D.;
1.19 Senior Citizen’s I.D.;
1.20 Alien Certificate of Registration Identity Card (ACR I-CARD); and
1.21 CSC Eligibility Card (note: Implemented only beginning with the May 3, 2015 CSE-PPT).
3. Original of PSA/LCR issued Birth Certificate printed on Security Paper (only if I.D. card has no date of birth);
4. Application Receipt and/or CSC Official Receipt (if available);
5. Notice of School Assignment generated thru ONSA (if available); and
6. Water, or preferred beverage (except alcoholic beverage) placed in clear/transparent container, and/or candies/biscuits, which shall be subject to inspection by the Room Examiner/Proctor.
1. Scope of Examination
2. Other Information
To pass the test, an examinee should get a general rating of at least 80.00.
The List of Passers shall be uploaded/posted on the CSC website within 60 days after the examination.
Note: Only the List of Passers posted on the CSC website is official. The CSC does not recognize and is not liable for any other postings on any other websites that are not affiliated with, or are engaged in the unauthorized use of the name of, the CSC.
Examinees can generate their examination rating through OCSERGS or Online Civil Service Examination Result Generation System which can also be accessed through the CSC website. Generation of examination rating through OCSERGS shall be available approximately 15 days after the posting of the List of Passers, or as indicated in the corresponding issuance/advisory.
SEE ALSO: How to Generate CSE Ratings Using Online Civil Service Examination Result Generation System (OCSERGS)
Passers shall be issued a Certification of Eligibility printed on CSC letterhead, free of charge.
Passers must personally claim their Certification. Representatives are not allowed to claim the same. For this matter, passers who have moved to or are based in another region, or in remote areas within the region, may personally claim their Certification of Eligibility at the CSC Regional or Field Office (conduit CSC RO/FO) nearest their present place of residence or work.
In particular, those who have moved to or are based in another region must send a written request, citing reasons as well, to the authorized CSC RO that has jurisdiction over the testing center/venue where they took the examination to forward their Certification of Eligibility to the conduit CSC Regional/Field Office where they would like to claim the same.
Claiming of Certification shall be available approximately 1 month after the posting of the List of Passers, or as indicated in the corresponding issuance/advisory. Nevertheless, passers should verify first if their Certification is already available before going to the CSC Regional/Field Office. Contact numbers of the CSC Regional/Field Offices may be accessed at the CSC website.
The basic requirements in claiming the Certification are:
1. I.D. card – preferably the same I.D. card presented during filing of application. If the I.D. card to be presented for claiming of Certification is different from the I.D. card presented during filing of application, the examinee must present any of the accepted I.D. cards listed under Item D(3) above, which is preferably valid (not expired); and
2. Application Receipt and/or CSC Official Receipt (if available).
Note: The CSC Regional/Field Office may require additional document/s as necessary to establish the identity of the passers.
A corresponding Advisory on these matters shall be posted on the CSC website. For any other concerns on examination results, examinees must verify directly with the CSC Regional Office concerned. The CSC Regional Offices handle the release and distribution of the examination results and Certification of Eligibility.
Related Link: How to claim Certification of Eligibility (CoE)?
The civil service eligibility resulting from passing the CSE (Professional) shall be called Career Service Professional Eligibility. It is a second level eligibility appropriate for both first level (clerical) and second level (technical) positions in the government that do not involve practice of profession and are not covered by special/other laws.
The civil service eligibility resulting from passing the CSE (SubProfessional) shall be called Career Service SubProfessional Eligibility. It is a first level eligibility appropriate only for first level (clerical) positions in the government that do not involve practice of profession and are not covered by special/other laws.

Source / Reference: CSC
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Stay tuned with this page for the important updates in Civil Service Exam!
Requirements, Qualifications, Testing Centers and other important details (from previous announcement) are listed below courtesy of Civil Service Commission (CSC):
To establish a Register of Eligibles (RoE) from which certification and appointment to first and second level positions in the civil service, except those involving practice of profession and/or are covered by special laws, shall be made, provided the eligibles meet the qualifications and other requirements of the positions. The RoE may also be a reference for employment in the private sector.
All applicants must strictly meet the following qualification requirements:
1. Filipino citizen;
2. At least 18 years old on the date of filing of application;
3. Of good moral character;
4. Has not been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude, or disgraceful or immoral conduct, dishonesty, examination irregularity, drunkenness, or addiction to drugs;
5. Has not been dishonorably discharged from military service, or dismissed for cause from any civilian position in the government; and
6. Has not taken the same level of Career Service Examination, either through PPT or CSC Computerized Examination (CSC COMEX), within three months before the date of examination:
a) Approval of applications may be recalled any time upon discovery of applicant’s disqualification, for which the examination fees paid shall be forfeited.
b) Applicants holding dual citizenship under R.A. 9225 (Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition Act of 2003) may apply for and take the examination upon presentation of original, and submission of a photocopy of, Certification of Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine Citizenship from the Bureau of Immigration, and meeting of all the other admission and application requirements for the examination.
c) Applicants with pending administrative and/or criminal cases may take the examination and shall be conferred the eligibility if they successfully pass the same. However, this is without prejudice to the outcome of their pending cases. If they are found guilty, their eligibility shall be forfeited based on the penalties stated in the decision and on Section 57 (a) of the 2017 Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service.
d) The Bar examination given by the Supreme Court of the Philippines and the Board examinations given by the Professional Regulation Commission are declared civil service examinations under Republic Act (RA) No. 1080. Accordingly, and under CSC Resolution No. 90-1212, the passers are automatically considered as civil service eligibles. Thus, they may opt not to take the corresponding examination anymore.
Also, the following individuals may opt not to take the corresponding examination anymore:
> Passers of Career Service Examination for Foreign Service Officer as the resulting Career Foreign Service Officer Eligibility is comparable to the Career Service Professional Eligibility
> Grantees of the following eligibilities under special laws and CSC issuances, which are comparable to the Career Service Professional Eligibility:
- Honor Graduate Eligibility under P.D. 907
- Scientific and Technological Specialist Eligibility under P.D. 997
- Sanggunian Member Eligibility (2nd Level) under RA No. 10156
- Foreign School Honor Graduate Eligibility under CSC Resolution No. 1302714
- Veteran Preference Rating Eligibility (Professional) under EO No. 132, s. 1948 and EO No. 790, s. 1982
> Grantees of the following eligibilities under special laws and CSC issuances, which are comparable to the Career Service SubProfessional Eligibility:
- Barangay Official Eligibility under RA No. 7160
- Barangay Health Worker Eligibility under RA No. 7883
- Sanggunian Member Eligibility (1st Level) under RA No. 10156
- Veteran Preference Rating Eligibility (SubProfessional) under EO No. 132, s. 1948 and EO No. 790, s. 1982
1. Fully accomplished Application Form (CS Form No. 100, Revised September 2016).
Note: The spaces for “Signature of Applicant” and “Right Thumbmark” on the Application Form should be left blank. These shall be accomplished in the presence of the CSC processor.
2. Four (4) pieces of identical I.D. pictures with specifications, as follows:
a. Passport size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm or 1.8 inches x 1.4 inches)
b. Colored, with white background
c. Taken within three (3) months prior to filing of application
d. Printed on good quality photo paper
e. In standard close-up shot (from shoulder level up with the head and face occupying at least 80% of the picture and with the name tag positioned at approximately 1 inch or 2.54 cm below the chin)
f. In bare face (with no eyeglasses, colored contact lens, or any accessories that may cover the facial features; facial features not computer enhanced)
g. Showing left and right ears
h. Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
i. With neutral facial expression, and both eyes open
j. With HANDWRITTEN (not computer-generated) name tag legibly showing SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED FULL NAME in the format: First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, and Extension Name, if any
3. Original and photocopy of any of the following I.D. cards, which is preferably valid (not expired on date of filing of application):
a. Driver’s License/Temporary Driver’s License (LTO O.R. must be presented together with old Driver’s License; O.R. alone is not allowed)/Student Driver’s Permit;
b. Passport;
c. PRC License;
d. SSS I.D.;
e. GSIS I.D. (UMID);
f. Voter’s I.D./Voter’s Certification;
g. BIR/Taxpayer’s I.D. (ATM type/TIN card type with picture);
h. PhilHealth I.D. (must have the bearer’s name, clear picture, signature and PhilHealth number);
i. Company/Office I.D.;
j. School I.D.;
k. Police Clearance/Police Clearance Certificate (with picture);
l. Postal I.D.;
m. Barangay I.D.;
n. NBI Clearance;
o. Seaman’s Book;
p. HDMF Transaction I.D.;
q. PWD I.D.;
r. Solo Parent I.D.;
s. Senior Citizen’s I.D.;
t. Alien Certificate of Registration Identity Card (ACR I-CARD); and
u. CSC Eligibility Card (note: Implemented only beginning with the May 3, 2015 CSE-PPT).
1. Photocopy only of I.D. card, or cellphone photo of I.D., shall not be accepted.
2. All other I.D. cards not included in the above list shall not be accepted.
3. As a last resort, expired I.D. card may be presented/submitted during filing of examination application, provided that, the expiry date of the I.D. card is within the preceding months of the year reckoning the date of filing of application.
4. Examination fee of Five Hundred Pesos (PhP500.00)
a. Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority, or the Local Civil Registry printed on security paper (for applicants without date of birth in their I.D. card/s)
b. Original and photocopy of Certification of Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine Citizenship issued by the Bureau of Immigration (for applicants holding dual citizenship under R.A. 9225)
1. Where to Get Application Form
The application form (CS Form No. 100, Revised September 2016) is available at any CSC Regional/Field Office, or may be downloaded from the CSC website: The application form may be photocopied using legal size bond paper.Related Link: [Download] CS Form No. 100, Revised September 2016
2. Where to File Application
Applicants must personally file their applications at the CSC Regional Office (CSC RO), or at any of the CSC RO’s Field Offices, where they intend to take the examination.
Related Link: List of CSC Regional / Field Office
1) A complete directory of CSC Regional and Field Offices nationwide is available at the CSC website for reference.
2) Only applications with a COMPLETE set of application documentary requirements under Item D of this Announcement must be submitted to the CSC Regional/Field Office.
3) Proper attire should be worn during filing of application. SLEEVELESS SHIRT/BLOUSE, SHORTS/SHORT PANTS, and SLIPPERS are NOT allowed.
Examinees shall be informed of their places of examination (school assignment) through the Online Notice of School Assignment (ONSA).
ONSA shall be available via the CSC website approximately two weeks before examination day. Examinees may opt to have a print-out of their Notice of School Assignment using ONSA.
Note: The CSC does not recognize and is not liable for any other postings on any other websites that are not affiliated with, or are engaged in the unauthorized use of the name of, the CSC.
Examinees who cannot access the ONSA and/or still do not know their school assignment one week before examination day should inquire directly with the CSC Regional/Field Office concerned. A complete directory of CSC Regional/Field Offices nationwide is available at the CSC website.
Examinees are strongly advised to visit and have an ocular inspection of their assigned school at least one day before the examination day to familiarize them with the school’s location.
- GATES OF TESTING VENUES SHALL BE CLOSED TO EXAMINEES AT EXACTLY 7:30 a.m. Examinees that arrive later than 7:30 a.m. shall NOT be admitted.
- Bringing of cellular phones and any other gadgets, including smart phones/watches and pens/eyeglasses with built-in camera, calculators, wristwatches with calculator, books and other forms of printed materials and all other similar items, is NOT allowed. Further, NO bags and any other personal stuff shall be allowed. Examinees are advised to bring ONLY the items listed under Things to Bring below.
- Failure to take the examination on scheduled date shall mean forfeiture of examination fee and slot. Re-scheduling of examination date is NOT allowed.
- The CSC neither holds any review class nor publishes or distributes any review material for any civil service examination. Further, the CSC does not accredit and has not accredited any review center for the purpose of offering and holding review classes to prospective civil service examinees. Availing of any such product/service shall be at one’s own risk.
- Examinees must be at their assigned school early on examination day. Testing venues shall be open to examinees starting 6 a.m.
Bring ONLY the following items on examination day:
1. I.D. card – preferably the same I.D. card presented during filing of application. If the I.D. card to be presented for admission is different from the I.D. card presented during filing of application, the examinee must present any of the following accepted I.D. cards, which is preferably valid (not expired):
1.1 Driver’s License/Temporary Driver’s License (LTO O.R. must be presented together with old Driver’s License; O.R. alone is not allowed)/Student Driver’s Permit;
1.2 Passport;
1.3 PRC License;
1.4 SSS I.D.;
1.5 GSIS I.D. (UMID);
1.6 Voter’s I.D./Voter’s Certification;
1.7 BIR/Taxpayer’s I.D. (ATM type/TIN card type with picture);
1.8 PhilHealth I.D. (must have the bearer’s name, clear picture, signature and PhilHealth number);
1.9 Company/Office I.D.;
1.10 School I.D.;
1.11 Police Clearance/Police Clearance Certificate (with picture);
1.12 Postal I.D.;
1.13 Barangay I.D.;
1.14 NBI Clearance;
1.15 Seaman’s Book;
1.16 HDMF Transaction Card;
1.17 PWD I.D.;
1.18 Solo Parent I.D.;
1.19 Senior Citizen’s I.D.;
1.20 Alien Certificate of Registration Identity Card (ACR I-CARD); and
1.21 CSC Eligibility Card (note: Implemented only beginning with the May 3, 2015 CSE-PPT).
- The NO I.D., NO EXAMINATION Rule is strictly implemented.
- Photocopy only of I.D. card, or cellphone photo of I.D., shall not be accepted.
- All other I.D. cards not included in the above list shall not be accepted.
- As a last resort, expired I.D. card may be presented for admission on examination day, provided that, the expiry date of the I.D. card is within the preceding months of the year reckoning the date of examination.
3. Original of PSA/LCR issued Birth Certificate printed on Security Paper (only if I.D. card has no date of birth);
4. Application Receipt and/or CSC Official Receipt (if available);
5. Notice of School Assignment generated thru ONSA (if available); and
6. Water, or preferred beverage (except alcoholic beverage) placed in clear/transparent container, and/or candies/biscuits, which shall be subject to inspection by the Room Examiner/Proctor.
1. Scope of Examination
2. Other Information
To pass the test, an examinee should get a general rating of at least 80.00.
The List of Passers shall be uploaded/posted on the CSC website within 60 days after the examination.
Note: Only the List of Passers posted on the CSC website is official. The CSC does not recognize and is not liable for any other postings on any other websites that are not affiliated with, or are engaged in the unauthorized use of the name of, the CSC.
Examinees can generate their examination rating through OCSERGS or Online Civil Service Examination Result Generation System which can also be accessed through the CSC website. Generation of examination rating through OCSERGS shall be available approximately 15 days after the posting of the List of Passers, or as indicated in the corresponding issuance/advisory.
SEE ALSO: How to Generate CSE Ratings Using Online Civil Service Examination Result Generation System (OCSERGS)
Passers shall be issued a Certification of Eligibility printed on CSC letterhead, free of charge.
Passers must personally claim their Certification. Representatives are not allowed to claim the same. For this matter, passers who have moved to or are based in another region, or in remote areas within the region, may personally claim their Certification of Eligibility at the CSC Regional or Field Office (conduit CSC RO/FO) nearest their present place of residence or work.
In particular, those who have moved to or are based in another region must send a written request, citing reasons as well, to the authorized CSC RO that has jurisdiction over the testing center/venue where they took the examination to forward their Certification of Eligibility to the conduit CSC Regional/Field Office where they would like to claim the same.
Claiming of Certification shall be available approximately 1 month after the posting of the List of Passers, or as indicated in the corresponding issuance/advisory. Nevertheless, passers should verify first if their Certification is already available before going to the CSC Regional/Field Office. Contact numbers of the CSC Regional/Field Offices may be accessed at the CSC website.
The basic requirements in claiming the Certification are:
1. I.D. card – preferably the same I.D. card presented during filing of application. If the I.D. card to be presented for claiming of Certification is different from the I.D. card presented during filing of application, the examinee must present any of the accepted I.D. cards listed under Item D(3) above, which is preferably valid (not expired); and
2. Application Receipt and/or CSC Official Receipt (if available).
Note: The CSC Regional/Field Office may require additional document/s as necessary to establish the identity of the passers.
A corresponding Advisory on these matters shall be posted on the CSC website. For any other concerns on examination results, examinees must verify directly with the CSC Regional Office concerned. The CSC Regional Offices handle the release and distribution of the examination results and Certification of Eligibility.
Related Link: How to claim Certification of Eligibility (CoE)?
The civil service eligibility resulting from passing the CSE (Professional) shall be called Career Service Professional Eligibility. It is a second level eligibility appropriate for both first level (clerical) and second level (technical) positions in the government that do not involve practice of profession and are not covered by special/other laws.
The civil service eligibility resulting from passing the CSE (SubProfessional) shall be called Career Service SubProfessional Eligibility. It is a first level eligibility appropriate only for first level (clerical) positions in the government that do not involve practice of profession and are not covered by special/other laws.

Examination Advisory No. 8, s. 2019
Source / Reference: CSC
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- 2020 Pre-Employment / Promotional Test and Ethics-Oriented Personality Test (EOPT)
- 2020 Basic Competency on Local Treasury Examination Application Procedures and Qualification
- 2020 Intermediate Competency on Local Treasury Examination (ICLTE)
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